Python Complete Beginner’s Guide

Part 1: Introduction To Python

MP Codes
7 min readSep 23, 2020

Basic Setups

  1. First, you need to visit this website and Download & Install Python on your system.
  2. If you don’t have an editor Download & Install Visual Studio Code from this website .
  3. To Check Python is Installed or Not in your PC , type the following code in your Terminal
python --version

4. Save the Python file name in .py extension

5. Run the Python Code using the command :


Character Sets

Valid character used in Python.
i) Alphabets: A ­- Z, a -­ z
ii) Digits: 0-­9
iii)Special Characters: !,@, #, &, $, ^, *, (, ), ….. etc

Variables ( Identifiers )

Names that refers to a value or Name given to an entity used in programming.

#Example 1.1
a = 6
b = 4.3
c = “Hello world”

Rules for naming Variables

i) It should starts with an alphabet or Underscore(_).

ii) Digits are considered, But don’t use in start.

iii) Can’t use a keyword as an identifiers.

iv) Uppercase and Lowercase letters are distinct.

v) Can’t use white space or blank space in Variables.

#Example 1.2
var = 1
_var = 2
var_three = 3
Var = 4
VAR = 5
var1 = 6


Special Words have a predefined meaning in programming language.

These are the list of Python keywords. 

False def if raise
None del import return
True elif in try
and else is while
as except lambda with
assert finally nonlocal yield
break for not
class from or
continue global pass

Data Types

Types             Used in ProgramBooleans     :    boolNumbers      :    int, Float, complexStrings      :    strBinary       :    bytes, bytearrayLists        :    []Tuples       :    ()Sets         :    set, frozensetDictionaries :    { "key" : "Value" } or dict()


Constant value assigned to a variable.

a) Integer Literals

Eg ; a=5, b=10

b) Floating point literals

Eg ; pi=3.14

c) String literals

Eg ; a=’MP’ , b=”Channels”

d) Boolean literals

Eg; True , False

e) Special literals

Eg; None


Python use indentation to indicate blocks of code. Some other language like c, c++, java use curly brackets { } to indicate blocks of code.

#Example 1.3
if 4 < 5 :
print("Five is greater")
IndentationError: expected an indented block
4 < 5 :
print("Five is greater")
Five is greater

Indentation should be at least 1 , But same number of spaces or indentations inside the same code blocks.

#Example 1.4
if 4 < 5 :
print(“Five is greater”)
print(“Four is lesser”)
IndentationError: expected an indent
4 < 5 :
print("Five is greater")
print(“Four is lesser”)
Five is greater
Four is lesser

Input Operators

Input() :­ get input as integer.

#Example 1.5
a = input(“Enter a number”)

raw_input() :­ get input as String, here casting is used to convert the type.

#Example 1.6
a = raw_input(“Enter a string”)
b = int(raw_input(“Enter a number”))
c = float(raw_input(“Enter a fractional number”))

Output Operator


#Example 1.7
print (
print (
print (
“the result is “,c)
print (
a,”is greater than”,b)

Python Sample Code

#Example 1.8
print(“The result is”,c)
The result is 5
ora=input(“Enter first ”)
b=input(“Enter second ”)
c=a+b #Here '+' act as concatenation Operator
print(“the result is ”,c)
Enter first a
Enter second b
the result is ab

Python interpreter treats each line in a Python script as a statement, and it return a new line character at the end of a statement. So it doesn’t require a semicolon ; at the end of each statement like c, c++, Java, etc.

Operators & Expression

Operators are Symbols used to perform some operation. Eg: +, ­- , * , / , % , ** , < , > ….etc.

Expressions are Combination of Operators and Operands. Eg: a + b , a — b , a * b ….etc.

Arithmetic Operators & Expression

Operator             Description                            Example+ Add                Sum of two operands                    a + b– Subtract           Difference between the two operands    a - b* Multiply           Product of the two operands            a * b/ Division           Quotient of the two operands           a / b// Floor Division    Quotient of the two operands           a // b
without fraction part
% Modulus Remainder after division a % b
of ‘a’ by ‘b.’
** Exponent Power of ‘a’ raised by ‘b’ a ** b

Relational Operators & Expression

Operator             Description                             Example> Greater than       if the left operand is greater          a > b
than the right,then it returns true.
< Less than if the left operand is less than a < b
the right, then it returns true.
== Equal if the two operands are equal, a == b
then it returns true.
!= Not equal if two operands are not equal, a != b
then it returns true.
>= Greater than
or equal if the left operand is greater than a >= b
or equal to the right,then it
returns true.
<= Less than
or equal if the left operand is less than a <= b
or equal to the right, then it
returns true.

Logical Operators & Expression

Operator             Description                             Exampleand                  Returns True if both statements         a and b
are true , Else Return False
or Returns True if one of the statements a or b
is true ,Else Return False
not Reverse the result, returns True not a
if the result is False

Bitwise Operators & Expression

Operator             Description                             Example& Bitwise AND        compares two operands on a bit level    a & b
and returns 1 if both the bits are 1
| Bitwise OR compares two operands on a bit level a | b
and returns 1 if any of the bits is 1
~ Bitwise NOT inverts all of the bits in a single ~a
^ Bitwise XOR compares two operands on a bit level a ^ b
and returns 1 if any of the bits is 1
,but not both
>> Right shift shifts the bits of ‘a’ to the a >> b
right by ‘b’ number of times
<< Left shift shifts the bits of ‘a’ to the left a << b
by ‘b’ number of times

Assignment Operators & Expression

 Operator               Expression                  Same as =                      a=1                         a=1 +=                     a+=1                        a=a+1 -=                     a-=1                        a=a-1 *=                     a*=1                        a=a*1 /=                     a/=1                        a=a/1 %=                     a%=1                        a=a%1 **=                    a**=1                       a=a**1 &=                     a&=1                        a=a&1 |=                     a|=1                        a=a|1 ^=                     a^=1                        a=a^1 >>=                    a>>=1                       a=a>>1 <<=                    a<<=1                       a=<<1

Identity Operators & Expression

Operator             Description                          Exampleis                   Returns True if both Operands        x is y
are Same
is not Returns True if both Operands x is not y
are not same

Membership Operators & Expression

Operator             Description                          Examplein                   Returns True if a sequence with      x in y
the specified value is present in
the object
not in Returns True if a sequence with the x not in y
specified value is not present in
the object

operators precedence

List of all operators from highest precedence to lowest.

Operator             Description                { }                  Parentheses              Top Precedencef(args…)             Function callsx[index:index]       Slicingx[index]             Subscriptionx.attribute          Attribute reference**                   Exponent~x                   Bitwise not+x, -x               Positive, negative*, /, %              Multiply, division, remainder+, –                 Addition, subtraction<<, >>               Left Shifts, Right Shifts&                    Bitwise AND^                    Bitwise XOR|                    Bitwise ORin, not in, is,      Relational, membership, identity
is not, <, <=, >,
>=,<>, !=, ==
not x Boolean NOTand Boolean ANDor Boolean ORlambda Lambda expression Low Precedence

Define flow of execution of a program

  1. Sequential Control structure

Flow of Execution is Continuous or Sequential.

#Example 1.9
(" The result is ”,c)
The result is 11

2. Conditional/Branching Control Structure

Based on a particular condition set of statement selected for Execution.

a) Simple if

#syntaxif test_expression:
#Example 1.10
num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
if num > 0:
print("Positive number")
Enter a number: 2
Positive number

b) If- Else Statements

#syntaxif test_expression:
Body of if Statement
Body of else
#Example 1.11
num =int(input(“Enter a number: “))
if num >= 0:
print(“Positive or Zero”)
print(“Negative number”)
Enter a number: -1
Negative number

b) if…elif…else (Chained Condition)

#syntaxif test_expression1:
Body of if
Body of elif
Body of else
#Example 1.12 | To Check a given number is +,-,or 0num =int(input(" Enter a number: "))
if num > 0:
print("Positive number")
elif num == 0:
print("Negative number")
Enter a number: 0

c) Nested If Statements

if within an if Statements.

#Example 1.13 | To Check a given number is +,-,or 0num = int(input(“Enter a number: “))
if num >= 0:
if num == 0:
print(“Positive number”)
print(“Negative number”)
Enter a number: 5
Positive number

3)Looping/Iterative Control Structure

Based on a particular condition, the statement was executed repeatedly.

a) While Loop

#syntaxwhile test_expression:
Body of while
#Example 1.14 | To Find the sum of first n natural Numbers
n = int(input(“Enter the number: “))
sum = 0
i = 1
while i <= n:
sum = sum + i
i = i+1
print(“The sum is”,sum)
Enter the number: 10
The sum is 55

The range() function

Generate a sequence of numbers. Eg : range(10):­will generate numbers from 0 to 9 (10 numbers).

We can also define the start, stop and step size for these function range(start,stop,step_size) , step size defaults to 1 if not provided.

#Example 1.15     #Output
range(0,20) :­ 0,1,2,3,……….19
range(0,20,2) : ­0,2,4,6,……….18
range(1,20,2) :­ 1,3,5,7,……….19

b)For Loop

#syntax:for val in sequence:
Body of for
#Example 1.16 | To find the sum of all numbers in the given List
numbers = [6,5,3,8,4,2,5,4,11]
sum = 0
for val in numbers:
sum = sum+val
print(“The sum is”,sum)
The sum is 48

Python Comments

single Line Comment (#)

   #Example 1.17
#This is a comment
#print “Hello”

multiple Line comments (‘’’ or “””)

#Example 1.18
”””This is also a
perfect example of ...
multiple ­line comments”””
Thank You By Mp Channels



MP Codes

Success stays with those who battle it and conquer it.